In 2020, due to the public health emergency (PHE), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released several rules and provisions that relaxed the compliance and enforcement dates for regulatory requirements. As we head into 2021, and with the continuation of the PHE, we are providing you with a recap of the CMS rules and provisions focused on interoperability and value-based care for providers and payers. The table below specifies each of the reviewed rules and highlights the key regulatory impact for the rule/program.
# | Rule / Program | Regulatory Impacts |
1 | Interoperability & Patient Access – Payers | Provide APIs for patients to access their information as well as provider directory |
2 | Interoperability & Patient Access – Providers | ADT Event Notifications required as part of conditions of participation (CoP) |
3 | Information Blocking | Entities who are information blockers will be publicly reported |
4 | Promoting Interoperability Program | Public reporting of eCQM data begins in 2022 |
5 | Quality Payment Program | MIPS Value Pathways postponed to 2022; new APP program for MIPS APMs in 2021 |
6 | Medicare Shared Savings ACOs | APM Performance Pathway (APP) replaces Web Interface collection type in 2022 |
7 | Telehealth | CMS made some interim codes permanent; audio only E/M codes will end with PHE |
8 | Transparency in Coverage – Payers | Disclose to participants cost sharing information for covered items or services |
9 | Proposed Modifications to HIPAA Privacy | Would reduce administrative burdens on HIPAA covered providers and plans |
10 | Prior Authorizations – Payers | Requires prior authorizations via electronic format |
Rule Summaries
1) CMS’ Interoperability and Patient Access – Payer Provisions. Final Rule, 5/1/2020.
Focus: APIs and Payer-to-Payer data exchange
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications: Payers Will Need To… |
Who: Medicare and Medicaid payer organizations. Areas of Focus: Requires APIs, health information exchange, and care coordination across payers. Enforcement Date (ED): On 4/21/2020, CMS and ONC announced a policy of enforcement discretion to allow compliance flexibilities regarding implementation of the interoperability final rules due to COVID-19. CMS provided hospitals an additional 6 months to implement new requirements. |
The Final Rule focuses on patient access to electronic health information (EHI) and interoperability among providers, payers, and patients.
CMS finalized four new policies for payers: 1. Patient Access through APIs. ED – July 1, 2021 2. API access to published provider directory data. ED – July 1, 2021 3. Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange. ED – January 1, 2022 4. Increased Frequency of federal-state data exchanges for dual eligible members. ED – April 1, 2022 |
Sources: CMS Patient Access and Interoperability Final Rule; eMRB blog, 4/24/2020: CMS and ONC Final Rules – What It Means for Providers and Payers.
2) Interoperability & Patient Access – Providers. Final Rule, 5/1/2020.
Focus: Information Blocking, ADT Event Notifications
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications: Providers Will Need To… |
Who: Providers Areas of Focus: Patient access to EHI and interoperability among providers, payers, and patients. Compliance Date (CD): Dependent on provision. Enforcement Date (ED): On 4/21/2020, CMS and ONC announced a policy of enforcement discretion to allow compliance flexibilities regarding implementation of the interoperability final rules due to COVID-19. CMS provided hospitals an additional 6 months to implement new requirements. |
For Medicare and Medicaid providers, new policies include deterrents for not attesting yes to required information blocking statements, and a new condition of participation (CoP) requirement for electronic patient event notifications.
The 3 policies for Providers are: 1. Public reporting and information blocking. CD – late 2020 2. Digital contact information. CD – late 2020 3. Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) Event Notifications. CD – Spring 2021; ED – May 1, 2020 |
Sources: CMS Patient Access and Interoperability Final Rule; eMRB blog, 4/24/2020: CMS and ONC Final Rules – What It Means for Providers and Payers.
3) Information Blocking. Final Rule, 5/1/2020; Interim Final Rule with Comment Period, 11/4/2020.
Focus: Information Blocking and Health IT Certification
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Health IT Developers, Providers, HIEs. Area of Focus: Advances interoperability; supports access, exchange and use of EHI; addresses occurrences of information blocking. Compliance Dates: Final rule published on 5/1/2020 was effective on 6/30/2020. ONC enforcement discretion announced on 4/21/2020 provided 3 months after each initial compliance date. Interim Final Rule (IFC) on 11/4/2020 extended certain compliance dates. |
Information Blocking. Outlines 8 activities that interfere with the access, exchange, or use of EHI, but do not constitute information blocking.
Updated EHR Certification Criteria. The functionality EHR vendors need to demonstrate in order to become a certified EHR technology (CEHRT).
Health IT for the Care Continuum. EHR certification criteria that would support voluntary certification of health IT for pediatric settings. Ten recommendations for Health IT Developers. |
Sources: ONC Interoperability Final Rule, Announcement, IFC; eMRB blog, 4/24/2020: CMS and ONC Final Rules – What It Means for Providers and Payers.
Information Blocking. Proposed Rule, 4/24/2020.
Focus: Information Blocking Civil Money Penalties
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Applies to Health IT developers of certified health IT, health information networks, and health information exchanges. Areas of Focus: Proposed to incorporate new Civil Money Penalty (CMP) authorities for information blocking. Original Compliance Date: Not applicable until final rule is published; comments were due to OIG on 6/23/2020. Enforcement Date: Proposed to be 60 days after final rule is published. Statutory Date: Final rule not published; the statutory due date for the final action is 08/00/2021. |
Sources: OIG’s Proposed Rule; eMRB blog, 4/24/2020: CMS and ONC Final Rules – What It Means for Providers and Payers.
4) Promoting Interoperability Program. Final Rule, 9/2/2020.
Focus: Promoting Interoperability (PI) Program and eCQMs
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Eligible Hospitals Areas of Focus: Hospital Medicare and Medicaid PI programs and eCQMs for Medicare IQR program. Updates: The most significant quality reporting updates in this rule are for eCQMs. Effective Date: 10/1/2020 Compliance Dates: Beginning with FY 2021 quality reporting year. |
Sources: FY 2021 IPPS Final Rule; eMRB blog, 10/2/2020: CMS Rules for 2021: Key Takeaways on Telehealth, PI Program and Other Rule Provisions.
5 and 6) Quality Payment Program. Final Rule, 12/28/2020.
Focus: Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Eligible Clinicians (ECs) Areas of Focus: Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs; Care Management Services / Remote physiologic monitoring (RPM); CEHRT. Effective Date: Most regulations were effective on 1/1/2021. Compliance Dates: Beginning with CY 2021 quality reporting year. |
Sources: CMS CY 2021 PFS Final Rule; eMRB blog, 10/2/2020: CMS Rules for 2021: Key Takeaways on Telehealth, PI Program and Other Rule Provisions.
7) Telehealth. Final Rule, Interim Final Rule with Comment Period, 12/28/2020.
Focus: Telehealth provisions in the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Final Rule and Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (IFC); and emergency rule-making.
About this rule | Telehealth Summary in PFS Final Rule | Emergency Rulemaking | Implications |
Who: Eligible Clinicians (ECs) Areas of Focus: Telehealth communications technology; payment for E/M services; and PHE Interim rules. IFC portion requests comment on coding and payment for virtual check-in services; comments were due on 2/1/2021. Effective Date: Most regulations were effective on 1/1/2021. Compliance Dates: Beginning with CY 2021 quality reporting year. |
Sources: CMS CY 2021 PFS Final Rule; eMRB blog, 10/2/2020: CMS Rules for 2021: Key Takeaways on Telehealth, PI Program and Other Rule Provisions.
8) Transparency in Coverage – Payers, 11/12/2020.
Focus: Payer cost-sharing disclosure
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Group Health Plans and Health Insurance Issuers. Areas of Focus: Disclosure of pricing and cost-sharing information. Effective Date: 1/18/2021 Compliance Date: Beginning 1/1/2023 |
Sources: Transparency in Coverage Final Rule; CMS 10/29/2020 Press Release and Fact Sheet.
9) Proposed Modifications to HIPAA Privacy. Proposed Rule, 12/10/2020.
Focus: Protected Health Information (PHI) disclosures
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Covered Entities (providers, payers, and insurers). Areas of Focus: Would modify standards for the Privacy of individually identifiable health information. Effective Date: Effective date of a final rule would be 60 days after publication. Compliance Date: HHS proposes a compliance date of 180 days after the effective date of a final rule. OCR would begin enforcement of the new and revised standards 240 days after publication of a final rule. Current Status: Rule was published in Federal Register on 1/21/2021. |
Sources: Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule Proposed Rule; HHS Press Release; Health IT News, HHS floats major changes to HIPAA Privacy Rule.
10) Prior Authorizations – Payers. Final Rule, released 1/15/2020.
Focus: Enhanced Interoperability & Patient Access Policies
About this rule | Rule Summary | Implications |
Who: Impacted Payers — Medicaid and CHIP managed care plans, state Medicaid and CHIP fee-for-service programs (FFS) and issuers of individual market Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) on the Federally Facilitated Exchanges (FFEs). Areas of Focus: Enhance certain policies from the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access final rule, add new requirements to implement APIs, and make changes to prior authorization practices. Effective Date: The regulations are effective 60 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register. The rule was released by HHS but had not been filed as of 1/20/2021. And as of 1/20/2021, a regulatory freeze was issued that pauses any new regulations from moving forward. Compliance Dates: Provisions will be implemented on January 1, 2023, with the exception of amendatory instructions 5, 22, and 28, which will be implemented on January 1, 2024. |
Sources: CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (HHS-Approved version); CMS Press Release: 1/15/2021, CMS Puts Patients Over Paperwork with New Rule that Addresses the Prior Authorization Process; Biden-Harris Transition Fact Sheet, 1/20/2021: President-elect Biden’s Day One Executive Actions Deliver Relief for Families Across America Amid Converging Crises.
Accountable Care Organization (ACO); Admission, Discharge & Transfer (ADT); Application Programming Interface (APIs); Alternative Payment Model (APM); APM Performance Pathway (APP); Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT); Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); Civil Money Penalty (CMP); Conditions of Participation (CoP); Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); Documentation Requirement Lookup Service (DRLS); Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM); Electronic Health Information (EHI); Electronic Health Record (EHR); Eligible Clinician (EC); Evaluation and Management (E/M); Federally-Facilitated Exchanges (FFEs); Fee-for-Service (FFS); Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR); Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); Health Information Exchange (HIE); Health Level Seven (HL7); Implementation Guide (IG); Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR); Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (IFC); Medical Loss Ratio (MLR); Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP); Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS); MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs); Office for Civil Rights (OCR); Office of Inspector General (OIG); Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC); National Provider Identifier (NPI); National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES); Prior Authorization Support (PAS); Promoting Interoperability (PI); Public Health Emergency (PHE); Qualified Health Plans (QHPs); Quality Payment Program (QPP); Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA); Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM); Third-Party Administrator (TPA).
About Emids Regulatory Review Board (EMRB)
Collaboration of content for this blog was provided by eMRB subject matter experts, covering important quality reporting topics for our customers and partners. Points of view and interpretation were relevant at time of authorship; however, they are subject to change over time. For more information about these changes, contact us at