



6 Reasons Cloud Migrations Fail

Jul 19th, 2024

Healthcare payer organizations are navigating a complex landscape marked by rising healthcare costs, increasing regulatory pressures, and the urgent need for digital transformation. With the growing emphasis on value-based care and the integration of advanced technologies, payers are seeking solutions to enhance operational efficiency, improve data management, and deliver better patient outcomes. The shift towards […]




Navigating the Cloud: 6 Key Challenges for Healthcare Payers

Jul 19th, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, payers are under immense pressure to reduce costs, improve care delivery, and maintain regulatory compliance. The complexity of managing vast amounts of data, integrating diverse healthcare systems, and ensuring data security adds to the challenges. As healthcare payers strive to enhance their operational efficiencies and meet the ever-growing demands […]




Optimizing Cloud Costs for Payers: The FinOps Way

Jul 11th, 2024

Download the eBook Discover how leading healthcare payers are slashing cloud costs and maximizing ROI with strategic FinOps implementation Inside This eBook, You’ll Discover:

Case Studies



From On-Prem to Google Cloud for a leading US Healthcare Player 

Jul 11th, 2024

Challenge  A prominent healthcare organization in the USA, managing diverse business lines including retail, pharmacy, health insurance, managed healthcare, and population health management, sought to modernize its data ecosystem. The goal was to transition from on-prem systems to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to leverage the full potential of their data, enhance scalability, and streamline […]

Case Studies



Cloud Migration and CMS Interoperability for a Leading HMO

Jul 11th, 2024

Challenge  A non-profit Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), wanted to modernize its IT ecosystem. This included a crucial migration to the cloud, constructing next-generation data platforms, and upskilling their workforce to support their growth trajectory. They were also driven by the need to comply with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Interoperability and Patient […]




Cloud FinOps Best Practices for Healthcare Payers: 4 Essential Principles

Jul 2nd, 2024

In the current healthcare economic climate, controlling costs while maintaining operational efficiency is challenging, and variable IT costs add complexity.  Migrating IT infrastructure to the cloud introduces new financial complexities in the shift from traditional capital expenditure (CapEx) models to the cloud’s operational expenditure (OpEx) framework.    FinOps, or Financial Operations, provides a strategic approach to […]




Optimizing Cloud Costs: The FinOps Imperative for Healthcare

May 23rd, 2024

In today’s digital era, healthcare organizations are at the forefront of technological transformation. As the adoption of cloud computing accelerates, driven by advancements in AI and machine learning, the need for strategic financial management becomes imperative. Our eBook, ‘Optimizing Cloud Costs: The FinOps Imperative for Healthcare’, explores how organizations can develop financial discipline through Financial […]

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